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5 Top Children's NGO You Can Volunteer At

Children happen to be the worst affected in every situation whether it is caused by some natural or manmade disaster or resulting from some sort of social upheaval. They face many life-changing challenges at every stage of their life. For instance, the struggle faced by the girl child at birth or initial years are enough to scar them for the rest of their life. The children of migration worker are no exception. They face challenges at every stage of their life.  The same is true for orphaned as well as abandoned children. Their life is never easy. The fact that they are vulnerable and in no control of their life leave them at the expense of others. Hence, it is important to safeguard their future. Non-governmental organizations can be of greater help when it comes to protecting these children and providing them with a better future. They help in eradicating exploitation and suffering and pave the way towards enabling them to become a dignified human being in life. However, this task is not solely dependent on NGOs. They need encouragement and support from individuals, government as well as stakeholders. Yet the most important contribution comes from individuals who can offer their precious time and financial support towards the betterment of the most exploited and vulnerable children. Here are top 5 NGOs in Delhi and Gurugram working for the upliftment of children and these are best child education NGO in Delhi where you can volunteer at and make sure that every child gets a better future.
  1. Childs Right and You
    Child Rights and You has been relentlessly working towards making a difference in the lives of underprivileged children. Their approach is to work at eliminating the root causes that keep children exploited and illiterate and render them helpless and create a happy and healthy lifestyle for every child. Volunteering here will not only give you some necessary hands-on experience but will also make a difference in the lives of children who belong to the deprived sections of the society.
  2. Lotus Petal Foundation
    Created with the objective of helping children in the slums and poor areas they have worked tirelessly to bring a difference in the lives of those in need. They also provide education, nutritious meals, free healthcare and skill development to the children of the urban poor in India. Founded in the year 2011 they have served millions of children and their network is growing each day which makes it the right time to volunteer with them.
  3.  Smile Foundation
    Smile Foundation is an NGO working to bring a positive change in the lives of the underprivileged children and communities. Founded in 2002 they have benefitted over 600,000 children and their families. They have also undertaken various projects related to education, healthcare and women empowerment. They have also won a number of awards for their amazing work. Join them and be a changemaker.
  4. The Toy Bank
    The Toy Bank is an NGO that distributes old toys to the poor and less privileged children by recycling them. The underlying philosophy is based on the fact that toys can also be a source of learning. They also believe that every child deserves a happy and healthy childhood. Hence, they have made it a mission to better the lives of as many children as possible by providing them the little joys of life. They are also connected with various children hospitals, government schools, shelter homes, and Anganwadi. They held regular drives in rural and slum areas. Their project 'Adopt a School' ensure proper infrastructure in schools. A toy library is also opened in each of the school adopted by the Toy Bank. Volunteer here to make a difference in a child's life.
  5. Picture Wala Foundation
    The Picture Wala Foundation is an entertainment club for poor and underprivileged kids mostly from rural and slum areas. It uses various forms of entertainment including art, music, cinema, and sports etc. to connect with disadvantaged children and inspire, engage and entertain them while also instilling a sense a community in them. They are constantly on the move and deal with street children on a really large number and volunteers are always welcome to help them bring a smile to kid's face.


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