Passing through the developmental transition between childhood and adulthood, nearly 243 million young boys and girls in the age group of 10-19, confront India with one of its most formidable challenges. The nature and quality of their lives, as well as the country’s future social and economic development , depend largely on how well these adolescents navigate this transition. If they fail and falter, India could lose out on a generation. Nurtured with care, they could prove to be a huge democratic dividend. UNICEF has collaborated with BBC Media Action and Doordarshan for creative conceptualization and dissemination of this education entertainment series is launching a new trans-media initiative for adolescents on Gender and Empowerment in New Delhi on October 18 to help them go through a smoother transition into the adult world. The initiative seeks to reach out to adolescent boys, girls, their parents and elders using a 360-degree approach to communication. Its components inc...